The key to persuasive signage

A wayfinding sign based at the entrance of a convenience store

Signs often tell an interesting story, but they’re not just for fun and games.

Businesses advertise their products in the hopes that people will see the goods or services being displayed, and have an interest in purchasing them.

When your customers approach you to create signs for them, they’re hoping for not only durable material, but a sign that will pique a person’s interest and lead to a purchase.

After all, as the American author E. B. White fittingly observed in 1936, “Advertisers are the interpreters of our dreams.”

According to Ryan Brady, nearly 70% of customers believe that a business’s signage reflects the quality of its products or services.

“Old, shabby signs can portray the image of a business in a negative light,” affirms our sales development coordinator, Andrew Cromberge.

This is one reason that it’s significant to make signs that persuade people to perform a certain desired action.

Signs also carry significant importance because they allow everyone who comes across them to engage in semiotics, and thus interpret these signs and formulate their meaning.

This role is a constant throughout our lives, whether we intentionally interpret these messages or not.

So, how would you assist your customers in creating persuasive signs?

Focus on colour

Colours should be carefully chosen in order to compliment the message of the sign and also to create an ambience. The contrast between the foreground and the background of the sign is critical to the viewer’s retention of the content.

Choose the correct orientation

Decide whether to use a landscape orientation or portrait orientation. Some designers and advertisers recommend landscape for a few lines of text, while alternatively, claim that portrait works better for lengthier copy.

Size and type matters

Large letters that can be easily viewed without causing any strain are crucial for billboards and similar types of signage as well. Different typefaces also affect legibility. While your customers may want an elaborate script to convey a certain style, it may be difficult for people to read it from greater distances. Selecting the correct size and font for the words of a sign is critical for its effortless readability. However, note that there are legal requirements that each sign must adhere to, so it’s best to consult to check what those requirements are.

Keep any wording or sentences brief

Signs with long sentences can be repulsive to read because potential customers will have to spend a while deciphering the communication. To a large extent, the advertising industry is driven by creating convenience, so it’s best to avoid creating a sign that is inconvenient to read. Use a minimum number of words to convey the intended message. Ensure that the text for the sign is carefully edited to avoid any mistakes or unnecessary words.

Use impressive graphics

Customers may choose to keep it simple and just use their company logos, or an entire scene could be portrayed to attract people’s attention. Graphics should be artfully presented, and arranged in a way that the text remains simple to read.

There are many tips that your clients can use in order to make their signs stand out from the rest. This list explores just a few guidelines that can be used to make a persuasive sign.

Ensure that your design team proactively engages with your customers in order to create remarkable signs that people will pause to marvel at no matter the time or place!

To view our extensive range of vinyl films perfect for creating a perfect sign, click here:

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